Frequently Asked Questions:

Que: Do we always have to treat all thyroid nodules?

Ans: Yes, thyroid nodules should always be tested and treated accordingly.

Que: What are the symptoms of a thyroid nodule?Ans: Difficulty swallowing

Difficulty breathing
Swelling in the neck leading o disfigurement of
Persistent cough
Weight loss or gain
Irregular- change in a heartbeat
Changes in your voice


Que: Why not surgery for thyroid nodules?

Ans: The standard course of therapy for both benign and malignant thyroid nodules is surgery. A minimally invasive therapy option with benefits is thyroid ablation to remove the nodule instead of surgery.


Que: Are thyroid nodules cancerous?

Ans: Most thyroid nodules-Lesion are benign (APPROX 90%). Hyperthyroidism can occur when these nodules create too much thyroid hormone. Almost typically, thyroid nodules that produce too much thyroid hormone are benign.

Que: What if my nodule turns out to be cancerous?

Ans: We always do and recommend getting the FANAC test done to know the nature of the tissue and don’t treat patients randomly.

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