Graduated elastic medical compression stockings reduce the morbidity associated with post-thrombotic syndrome seen in Deep vein thrombosis patient.

The ideal length or compression strength required to achieve needed pressure, depends on doctor for varicose preference and patient compliance.

Compression stockings are stretchable long socks that apply gentle to firm pressure over the ankles, calves and thighs to promote blood flow towards heart against gravity, prevent the formation of blood clots in superficial or deep veins of legs, and reduce pain associated with varicose vein or post thrombotic syndrome patients.

Compression stockings to improve blood flow in the leg veins and help prevent leg swelling and to lesser extent the blood clots.

In which conditions compression socks are used?

Compression socks or compression stockings relieve pain due to veinous diseases. Compression stockings used in:

  • Continuous Edema (swelling) of the lower limbs more around ankles- foot region.
  • Venous insufficiency : When due to deep vein thrombosis or due to varicose vein, blood is not pumped back to heart, in such condition, stockings are used to push back blood against gravity by exerting pressure from outside.
  • Varicose veins: There are visible Enlarged, twisted, swollen, veins in legs. They can appear blue or dark purple veins bulging out of skin surface. Varicose veins occur when faulty valves in the veins allow blood to pool or flow in the wrong direction.

    To know more about Varicose Veins click on

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT): This occurs when blood flow clots in the lower limbs, for example, due to lack of movement for several hours after surgery, long flight travel, OC pills, medicines, genetic conditions etc., blood pools in the legs and forms clots. If not treated on time by doctor for veins in legs near me, this can be life threatening.

    To Know more about DVT in Hindi click on

  • Lymphedema: Accumulation of lymphatic fluid in the legs to cause extreme leg swelling and not relived easily.
  • Pregnancy: During pregnancy, there is compression of major veins due to womb pressure in pelvis and hormones, which causes swelling of the legs or veins. It is commonly seen that varicose veins pain is seen post pregnancy or during pregnancy period.

Is it dangerous to wear compression stockings without varicose doctor specialist advice?


Compression socks should not be too tight to be uncomfortable or cause pain. Compression socks come in various sizes, so it’s important to select the correct size. If it is too tight, it can block blood supply and oxygenation of tissues. If stockings you are wearing are painful, change the stockings size, grade or quality,

Can I wear stockings prophylactically without any best varicose veins treatment near me or Deep Vein Thrombosis treatment near me?

Yes, those who have standing occupation like school teachers, traffic police, hotel workers, security guards, OT staff or those who sits at 1 place in 1 position for long time like office workers.

Should use grade 1 half KNEE length stockings for 6-12 hours depending upon their work schedule.

What size and length of stockings I should use?

Those who have sudden acute Deep vein thrombosis, moderate to severe varicose vein should wear full THIGH length stockings

DEPENDING ON YOUR HEIGHT, WEIGHT, AND THIGH-CALF SIZE-Stockings size should be used- varies.

It should be tight so as to cause external compression to pump back blood towards heart but at the same time it should not be tight that its causing pain or uncomfortable to wear them.

There is swelling at the toes- distal most part of foot when I wear STOCKINGS?

The elastic compression stockings with open toes cause partial swelling of the toes which is normal part. Kindly continue using stockings, you can elevate the legs 3-4 times / day to get rid of swelling with or preferably without stockings.

Can I wear stockings when I have venous ulcer or wound on legs due to varicose vein?

Yes. Its slight uncomfortable and painful to wear stockings with ulcer.

Its recommended to get varicose vein treatment in mumbai like LASER done for varicose vein ulcer as its always recurrent unless LASER or endo venous ablation or RFA is done for underlying cause that is varicose pain treatment.

It is advised to do dressing or wrap bandage around the ulcer and use stockings. If still stockings are uncomfortable it is recommended to use crape bandage with appropriate pressure.

Post LASER operation also it is recommended to use stockings for 3- 6 months.

Why to wear stocking even after LASER OR RFA OR venaseal glue operation of varicose veins treatment in Aurangabad?

We keep weight on books after applying gum to have better sticking- effect of gum, Similarly stockings work after intervention -Laser operation.

So use stockings for 3-6 months ATLEAST.



Putting on Your Compression Stockings

Wear stockings first thing in the morning before you get out of bed. Wear daily for 10-12 hours / day or as directed by your Vascular Surgeon near me.

TIP– It is possible in initial days that there is mild discomfort or itching during or after removing stockings. But one should stick to stockings for at least 7 days and then re-evaluate.

In most of the patients, stockings help in relieving pain, swelling and initial discomfort, itching is reduced.


Those which, have arterial insufficiency, diabetic wound, reduced pumping off heart- heart failure, should not use stockings

Your legs have the least amount of swelling early in the morning or elevate legs for 15 min before applying – wearing compression stockings.

  • Hold the top of the stocking and roll it down to the heel slowly and gently.
  • Pull the stocking up. Unroll the stocking over your leg and pull it up
  • After the top of the stocking is in place, smooth out any wrinkles.
  • Do not let the stockings bunch up or wrinkle.
  • Do not over stretch the stockings while wearing or removing as it might torn due to over stretch.

If it’s hard to put on the compression stockings, try these tricks.

  • Use sleeve which come along with most of the standard stockings.
  • Apply soft lotion on your legs and let it dry before you put on the stockings.
  • Use a little baby powder on your legs. This may help the stockings slide up.

To know more about Stocking for varicose Veins in Hindi click on

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